I have been going through some unhealthy body things, for a bit more than a week, recently. Have been going through a lot of them for a long time, so my health is of absolute importance. To pay attention to the symptoms of things, of things that happen in my body, so I can get my body healthy. I can't and won't say again, because it has never been, I don't think, a truly healthy body of mine from before birth.
Thus it will take a while and there will be no instant cure as such, although if there is great healing that I can access like the Tibetan Buddhist Meditation, back when I was a decade younger, then I will be happy to recieve the power of it. See my past blog about this for more.
I feel like I have a frog jumping in my right hip, that's because of fluid in the Pouch of Douglas. It causes muscle spasms something vicious and constantly annoyingly painful and settles when I massage it, but not completely. I have had this happening since 2007. It was accessed by an ultrasound, in 2009, not by a medical psychic viewer. I have considered that option and know where one place is in an ideal location of peace, but I am 9 hours or more away from there and haven't yet found a definite place or person nearby. I'll explore that in future definitely. And to practise it myself would be great if I could have that gift.
The ideal is to be uninvaded. Yet when answers are required quickly and when you don't know of any person...the allopathic professionals excel in invasion..or in not listening or reflecting concerns of health, dismissing it, when I have felt, this is my body and my health and I want to know. Science checks to know. Science is calculating, yet also natural therapies use many simple forms of calculation, for eg; if you make your own home remedies. You mix up specific measured quantities, even if you say it is in the measurement of parts, like 2 parts lavender, 2 parts rosemary, etc.. It must still be calculated. The calculation of natural health versus the scientific data and a calculator with more button functions than you can poke a stick at.
I like the smell of even the strong black pepper oil used in aromatherapy. It is still pleasant. And much prefer it to most if not all of the allopathic topical applications transformed from some part of nature by science by human intervention. You can lick honey from an external application if you really need to. Although it probably wouldn't be advisable with some things that manuka medicinal honey can be used for. But something like Dettol, you can't swallow what you gargle. You certainly cannot eat the creams topically applied from the chemist that are allopathically made. I prefer to use the things that I can eat, ingest, or smell nice. I know I can't eat certain things, like essential oils, because even 5 drops of tea tree oil ingested causes a massive headache. I know I tried it once when I had several remedies and confused the use of them.
How can I trust natural healing when it isn't proven by science, or even if it is? How can a person heal in a place like the Amazon jungle, without anything else around them, no plastic pill cases can be found in the trees. No places can be left alone by science, nothing is sacred, everything is discussed and somehow ruined because it is seen to be for the value of a scientific healing. Life is scared instead of sacred, as I have thought and written somewhere before in my masses of writing, with my questions and life plaguing me underneath. Maybe even plaguing my underneath. Stopping me from reaching a strong grounding. I have not been able to be detected on scientific machines as ungrounded have I? Thus it is not my ability that is in question but the ability of science to show me as I am! I dare science to do something for me in the middle of a flood with no electrical power supply. The dirt on herbs belongs there, it can get water on it, it will wash off, some plants will die, submerged in a flood, but then some will anyway.
Nature is not cruel. But then science seems to think in its contemporary form that the rigidity of medication and simple health tests by blood and urine analysis and not too many questions forms a proven and singular superiority to nature's offering, that really, have been created by deities and why mess with anything of nature? Can't people see that the alternative to death is to avoid things in life that ruin the earth and make side effects happen? Like nausea from pain medication. Shrug it off and not really think about it?! I'm hardly going to The Body Shop and buying bath balls, like I did when I was 14 or so. I'm not buying their products even if they claim them to be SLS free. Unless they were organic and successful recycling happens like the food co-op recycling of bottles and containers. It seems to happen more naturally because the tiny pinheadfull of people worldwide who recognise that to lose their packing requirements, lose their lack of energy into doing things more for the earth and themselves, then they even exhausted at first, give more to the community, and it isn't some place in Africa doing fair or community trade with tribal people and people who live without any plastic and have no rubbish to throw out, it is on the earth, everywhere, in tiny pockets, that people live this way.
How can the disposable life or way ever be right for me when I sit here with my disposable mask to try to stop my virus being sneezed or coughed into myself or others? Where is my plague mask? Where are my natural therapies? My truly natural therapies, made by myself instead of in the plastic upon plastic sealings of this world? This whole world seems almost blinded to the fact that nature has to be made nature again, it needs effort. Maybe the sicknesses of the people should be ignored if they are that bad, maybe the people should die instead. Hopefully falling out of trees. Hopefully naturally. Why not, leave some people to die. Let the earth breathe...stop covering it in plastic and making viruses worse, as they are created by human fault, not the diseases we can heal naturally. If it can't be healed naturally, and if it was created by God or any of the other creator deities, then they have got a reason for death haven't they? The plague was not healed completely, it was to kill off people. Nature has a way of doing this, and my miasma might have come from plagued people, yet maybe my people survived enough to go on. having this virus and these constant coughings all day and night, coughing up mucous, and a little blood from my sore throat, hopefully. Well I am now being soothed by medicine that is ancient and natural. It is stopping the coughing but is not a suppressant as such, as it is working on it possibly..it is helping me, it is effective I hope, in my misery that this earth suffers as I do. Natural. I want natural and I don't want to see myself going off to the allopathic hospital. I want to know where and why beyond money, the reasons that I do not see homeopathic hospitals in Australia when they used to exist. They sued. To sue is a term not of money but of herbal propagation. Older words trailing bloodily in the wake of moneys devastation..I hate you money!!
Why not listen to invention? When there is an idea, a theory. I have a theory of the mighty healing power of allicin stemming from the naturopathic research I have read about. I want to try it out. I have tried raw garlic, keep trying it with myself. I have seen improvements physically from it. I want to know if an increased amount of allicin taken with or without other supplementation would help with something like a virus. Which is what I have now, apparently.
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